Library Books This Quarter

Library Books will come to you!

  • Mrs. H will select a mix of books from our library that will be brought to your classroom.
  • They will be clean books that have been quarantined.
  • Your teacher will hand out a library book to each student in her or his class.
  • You will keep this book or books at your desk.
  • At the end of the day your teacher will ask if anyone is done with their books.
  • Books that you are finished with will be put in the classroom quarantine area.
  • After the books have been cleaned, they will be placed in the books that are ready to be used area.
  • On Friday afternoon the classroom bag of books will be returned to the library by a staff member.
  • They will be cleaned and quarantined.
  • And on Monday a new set of library books will be brought to your classroom.

Think of this as a surprise bag of library books!

And remember ….

you have eBooks to read through Sora [ also called Overdrive], Diplomat’s Destiny Discover Catalog, Epic and TumbleBooks.

Find out more about eBooks here.

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