Drama Games Movement


1.Facial Expression – eating candy

2. The Creature Moving as One

3. Walk the Walk

Walk across the room six times. Each time, pretend something different:

  • You are coming home from school and you know you have a lot of chores to do when you get there.
  • You are walking through a foot of snow.
  • You are walking barefoot in a very sticky, squishy swamp.
  • You are walking across a blistering hot desert.
  • You are in a graveyard at night walking through the tombstones.
  • Your right leg is in a cast.
  • You are walking through honey.



1. Form a circle. Each person chooses one other person in the circle to secretly watch.
2. Everyone closes their eyes and strikes a pose.
3. On “GO” — everyone opens their eyes and begins to copy the person they chose to watch. (In posture, pose, stance, etc.)
Watch as the whole team morphs into the same pose!

5. Act out the Senses

•  A hot stove

•  Icicles
•  Sharp tacks
•  Velvet

• A sour lemon

• Their favorite candy
• Spinach

• A gentle wind
• Underwater sounds
• A whistle

• A car coming far away and towards you

• A giant
• An ant
• A big black spider

• Freshly baked bread

• A skunk
• Perfume
• Onions

5. Stay in Character – Straight Face Game

1.  Have the class stand in a circle.

2.  Instruct the kids that they are to go around the circle one by one introducing themselves. However the catch is: instead of using their real name, they will introduce themselves as the most disgusting food they can think of.

3. Each introduction should follow this format, “Hi everyone, I’m [anchovy pizza with mustard on top], it’s great to meet you.”

4. The goal is for the student who is speaking to always keep a straight face, never laughing or breaking character. The rest of the class of course can laugh.

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